June 2022
Webinar:Critical Control Rooms in the Safe City Context
As budgets tighten, security is threatened and nations look to secure inward investment in the global village the concept of the "Safe City" gathers pace. Ensuring a safe and secure place to work now implies city and regional initiatives requiring multiple agencies working in collaboration for the greater good. This webinar focuses on the changes that this implies for critical control rooms at the business, operational and technical levels.
The role of the Critical Control Room in the coordination of Safe City Operations
Dr Amanat Hussain,
Safe Cities: The case for why every safe city needs a “situation room”
Jack Williams,
Transport for Greater Manchester Control Centre – Working in Partnership for Safer Travel
Maggie Carter,
Transport for Greater Manchester
Panel Debate
All speakers plus:
Dr Maqsood Ahmed,
Deputy Inspector General,
Security & Emergency Service, Sindh Police